Gold & Blush Bridal Bouquet
Bridal bouquet containing a multitude of flowers and greenery in shades of cream, ivory, gold, pink, blush, and green. Includes gold ribbon wrapped handle for comfort.
This bouquet will last all day without wilting, looking perfect from start to finish. Also becomes a stunning keepsake from your special day that will last a lifetime.
Bouquet rental is also available at a lower cost. Please reach out via email for rental inquiries at
Bridal bouquet containing a multitude of flowers and greenery in shades of cream, ivory, gold, pink, blush, and green. Includes gold ribbon wrapped handle for comfort.
This bouquet will last all day without wilting, looking perfect from start to finish. Also becomes a stunning keepsake from your special day that will last a lifetime.
Bouquet rental is also available at a lower cost. Please reach out via email for rental inquiries at
Bridal bouquet containing a multitude of flowers and greenery in shades of cream, ivory, gold, pink, blush, and green. Includes gold ribbon wrapped handle for comfort.
This bouquet will last all day without wilting, looking perfect from start to finish. Also becomes a stunning keepsake from your special day that will last a lifetime.
Bouquet rental is also available at a lower cost. Please reach out via email for rental inquiries at